Real Weddings

Claire & SamRiver Bottoms Ranch, Midway September 17Planning & Design by Michelle Leo Events Photographs by Pepper Nix THE COUPLE Claire and Sam grew up mere miles from each other in Chicago but didn’t meet until much later in life when Bumble came calling. The pair adventured together for a little over three years before Sam decided to take things to...
Anna & Wesley Stein Eriksen Lodge, park cityDecember 31 Planning & Design by Canvas Weddings & Events Photographs by Whitney Hunt Photography  THE COUPLE High school sweethearts Anna and Wesley reconnected later in life, while each on a visit home for their siblings’ graduations. Following seven years of dating bliss (plus three years of long distance), Wesley began to hatch a plan for a...
Back east transplants Emily and Meg went from college teammates to forever lovers with a celebration at Victory Ranch. THE COUPLE College hockey teammates-turned-lovers, Bostonite Emily and Midwest-hailing Meg made the leap from friends to girlfriends two years after graduation. Three years after that, Emily planned a surprise sunset proposal at a family home in Wisconsin over Independence Day weekend....
Lucy & Mitch Private Residence, Draper June 8 Planning & Design by La FÊte Floral & EventsPhotographs by Mikki Platt THE COUPLE Lucy and Mitch met each other on a group date. The only problem—they were on different dates. Cut to 2023 and the stars finally aligned when Mitch asked Lucy out for the first time. Six love-filled months later, the couple was visiting...
Emily and Andrew embrace classic style as a backdrop for their celebration full of new traditions. THE COUPLE  Private pilot Andrew first met his future wife in a bold introduction at a sunset market in California. Emily, a video game designer, was walking the pier when Andrew approached with a casual “Hey, What’s Up?”  The pair walked the entire market talking...
KATIE & BRIAN February 24Pendry Park City Planning & Design by Fuse Weddings and EventsPhotographs by Heather Nan THE COUPLE Soon after moving to Utah with her son, Katie met Brian on a dating app. After a few years of phone calls, first dates and falling in love, Katie was headed to Brian’s house for a relaxed evening of comfort and...
Emma & Lane took to Bellissimo Garden and Cottonwood Country club for a wedding celebration full of personality and surprises. THE COUPLE Orem native Lane and England-hailing Emma first connected online, and met up for a (very successful) first date. “We had such a good time, we closed down the restaurant,” shares Emma. While Emma knew she had just found the...
The Couple:  Sedona and Tavin met in high school but their friendship was short-lived after Tavin moved back to California that same year. As fate would have it, three years later Sedona attended college at San Diego State University. With them both being in California, they reconnected and eventually started dating. Five and a half years later, Tavin took Sedona...
THE COUPLE  Hanna and Walker first met online while home in Utah on a break from college studies. Both college athletes, the pair hit it off and dated for a year before getting engaged. On the day of the big ask, Walker had set up a faux photoshoot for Hanna to attend at the salt flats. She nearly missed her...
red rocks
Ellee and Tad, a Washington-based couple, ventured away from home for their southern Utah red rocks wedding.