Book an unforgettable wedding at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab
Whether you’re planning an elopement, a macro-wedding or a grand celebration, you can tie the knot with views (nearly as breathtaking as you) of the enchanting cliffs in Angel Canyon. Bring something borrowed, something blue—and someone who barks—because your furry best friend can be right by your side!
And better yet, your guests can bring their pets, too, when they book their stay at the country’s most pet-centric hotel, the Best Friends Roadhouse and Mercantile, just five miles from the Sanctuary. Home to 40 hotel rooms, you can reserve a wedding group package. Plus, you guests can enjoy all kinds of activities, tour the Sanctuary and even spend some time with the animals.
The best part? All wedding and accommodation booking fees go directly back to saving the lives of homeless pets, helping to make the entire country no-kill by 2025.