How To: Choose Your Perfect Wedding Hairstyle
1. Choose a style that you feel comfortable in.

If you love the way you look with your hair down, don’t wear it up just because you think you should, and vise versa. Don’t go with a style just because it’s trendy. Make sure you feel your best – your confidence show in your photos!
2. Think about your veil.

Will the veil be able to be incorporated? Will it cover up your style? These are important considerations. Also, make sure you have someone designated to pin it in place if your hair stylist won’t be there. Try to have them at your hair appointment so the stylist can show them exactly how to secure it in place.
3. Plan Hairstyles around your dress.

Put your dress on and try a few different styles in the mirror. Different cuts look better with different hairstyles. If you have an open back, you might want to show it off by wearing your hair up. Maybe something off to one side will compliment your dress more than wearing it all back. If you have a classic style, got with classic hair. If you can’t decide, find a few friends that you know will give you an honest opinion.
4. Gather as many photos as you can.

It’s important to have a clear vision, to communicate to your stylists exactly what you are looking for (and NOT looking for). One photo can show how much volume you want, one can show how you want to back to look, etc. But be realistic with your own hair, and understand that it might look a little different based on your hair qualities.
5. Extensions!

Extensions are an excellent way to create more volume and length for you big day. Clip ins offer this without the commitment of getting a full head installed. Buy them ahead of time and take them to your stylist to trim and blend them, so they can think about how they will incorporate them into the style you want.
Day-Of Wedding Hair Tips
1. Wash your hair the day before.

2. Easy Shirts are Best

3.Give yourself plenty of time.

4. Start with Tighter Curls.

5. Pack an Emergency kit.