To purchase a copy, contact Jodi Nelson at 801-485-5100 ext. 216, or e-mail her at
Utah Bride & Groom is sold at over 200 locations. Find a copy at one of the locations below.
Store chains (within Utah)
Barnes & Noble Bookstores, Big Kmart, Dan’s, Davis Food & Drug, Fred Meyer Store, Fresh Market, Harmons, Hastings Bookstore, Lee’s Marketplace, Macey’s Market, Reams Food Stores, Shopko, Smith’s Food & Drug, Smith’s Market Place, Wallgreens
Local shops and locations
Salt Lake Valley
Ann Elizabeth, Bobs Magazine, The Bridal Shop, Every Blooming Thing, The Rose Shop, Tabula Rasa, White Couture
Utah Valley
Allens Super Save Market, Days Market, Payson Market,
Park City
The Market, Soiree Productions, The Write Image
Other areas
Bowmans Market, Kaysville
Panguitch Drug
Stewart’s Thriftway, Castle Dale
Terrel’s Thriftway, Mount Pleasant
Wansguard Supermarket, Ogden
Other newstand locations include: Albertsons, Allen’s Market, Barnes & Noble, Bowman’s Market, Broulim’s Fresh Foods, Dan’s Foods, Day’s Market, Dick’s Market, Harmons Grocery, Kamas Food Town, Kent’s Foods, Lee’s Marketplace, Mountain View Grocery, Payson Market, Ridley’s Family Market, Salt Lake City Airport Gift Shops, Shopko, Smith’s, Smith’s Marketplace, SLC Smokers,Target, The Midway Express Store, The Midway Store, The Market at Park City, The Store, The Store 2, Valley Markets, Wangsgards Market, Whole Foods